Enrichment Activities

We create learning experiences on these trips which children will never forget.

At Sutton Primary Academy we aim to provide a rich variety of experiences to engage and inspire our pupils to further their learning. Our pupils visit local places of interest including the Black and White House and Hereford Cathedral but they are also given the opportunity to participate in a wide range of activities from Multi-faith days, medieval banquets to a baptism at a local church.

Visitors from all walks of life are invited to our school to work with our children. These include the Fire Brigade, the owl sanctuary, the local Member of Parliament and even Father Christmas and the reindeers take time out of their busy schedule to visit our youngest pupils. Many of our visitors provide exciting workshops for the children to develop their passion for art, sport and music.

Forest School

This involves each year group working for sessions throughout the year in our designated Forest School area in the school grounds. Learning takes place through structured creative, hands-on experiences.  Self-esteem, confidence and concentration grow as a result. Children will be asked to bring in wellingtons and old warm clothes e.g. tracksuit bottoms and a fleece when it is their turn for Forest Schools.

Learning Beyond Our Walls

Our curriculum at Surtton Primary Academy includes a wealth of opportunities to visit exciting places. We create learning experiences on these trips which children will never forget. Trips enjoyed by pupils include visits to The Roman museum at Caerleon; Goodrich Castle as well as residential trips to London and Oakerwood Leisure. Our pupils have visited  Tillington farm to experience growing their own food and they have also watched lambs being born. Our trips and experiences are not always far afield. We also provide the children with simple experiences such as Autumn walks to collect conkers or a stroll by the River Wye.

We feel that it is important that children are involved in a variety of activities both in and out of school. A number of educational visits are arranged during the course of the academic year, when it may be necessary to meet the cost of transport, entrance fees, etc. Under the provisions of the Education Reform Act 1996, no charges may be made for any education provided during school hours. However, should they wish their child to participate, parents may be asked to make voluntary contributions. There is no obligation to contribute and no pupil will be omitted from such a visit, although the governors reserve the right to cancel any activity if the cost cannot be met by voluntary contributions.

School residential field-trips or activity holidays

The opportunity for our pupils to take part in residential trips is offered in both Year 5 and Year 6, in two different locations. Parents will be charged the cost of these extra-curricular activities. The governors will allow a remission of these charges if families are receiving Income Support. In other cases of hardship the governors have the discretion to apply a sliding-scale of charges. To apply for help in paying these costs, please contact the Headteacher. This information will be treated confidentially.

Enrichment Activities News

The Big Sing 🎶

King’s Coronation Song

Year 4 – Mental Health

Tree Day

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