Assessments & Reporting

The method of assessment for the Early Years, called The Foundation Stage Profile is now well established at the school. The children are assessed regularly throughout their Reception year.

The learning objectives are based on the Early Learning Goals from the six areas of learning in the foundation stage; Personal, Social and Emotional Development, Communication, Language and Literacy, Mathematical Development, Knowledge and Understanding of the World, Physical Development and Creative Development. Assessments are made by the Class Teacher and Teaching Assistants through observation, practical work, written work and one-to-one assessments. Parents and carers play an important role in contributing to this process.

At Sutton Primary Academy we are committed to ensuring that every child fulfils their potential.  To enable this to happen, children are continually assessed.   

Assessments in the classroom are both summative, for example, an end of topic assessment and formative. Formative assessment takes place on a day-to-day basis by class teachers and helps them to plan what needs to be incorporated in their teaching to move the children forward in their learning. 

Their teaching and planning also reflects the individual children’s assessment for learning (AfL) responses. ‘Next Steps’ are shared with the children through verbal feed-back and marking and with parents through reports and during parents evenings and Open Classroom events.

Teachers assess the children against the National Curriculum Year Group expectations. Our tracking system and pupil progress meetings ensure that children are on track and informs our teachers and dedicated SENCo/SEND Manager, of any extra support a child may need, whether academic or pastoral. We pride ourselves on our holistic approach. Pupils take the Phonics Screening Check at the end of Year 1. At the end of Year 2 and Year 6, all children are assessed using Standard Assessment Tasks (SATS). All these assessments are shared with parents and carers.

We encourage an Open Door policy and, as such, informal parent-teacher interaction can be maintained easily on a daily basis if necessary. Parents and carers are welcome to come into school to discuss matters relating to their children or the life of the school.

If possible, an appointment should be made to speak to the Class Teacher in the first instance. Appointments to meet with the Executive Headteacher or Deputy Headteacher can also be made to discuss any worries or concerns.   

Parents will receive written reports for all children of statutory school age each year, detailing their child’s progress and performance with regard to the National Curriculum.  In addition to this, we warmly invite parents to attend our Open Class Events which happen termly.  These allow the children to invite their parents in to look through their work and see the classroom displays.  We find that this child led opportunity raises the children’s self-esteem as they love to show off their work and talk about it! 

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